The War on Women


by Rick McCorkle


Liberal Democrats say that conservative Republicans are waging a “war on women.” Of course, liberal politicos know this isn’t true, but it makes you wonder what they think of their supporters. Is there a significant number of people in this country who are ignorant and gullible enough to believe it? It’s ridiculous on the face of it, when you consider that approximately half of the Republicans in the country are women. Do the Conservative Republican Women of Georgia actually hold meetings in a war room to decide how they’re going to attack other women? There are hundreds of Republican women organizations all over the country. If they were all waging war on women, we’d know about it and women everywhere would be warned to stay indoors.


Sadly, there actually is a war on women, and it’s being waged by Democrats against those very same conservative women, like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and Laura Ingraham. Liberals pretend to be champions of women, but it’s no holds barred and anything goes when it comes to ripping apart any woman who expresses her conservative views in the supposedly free marketplace of ideas. And while women and girls are literally being ripped apart by Muslim fundamentalists all over the world, liberals are silent. They don’t protest as women’s rights and bodies are violated to the point of death because they said or did something that a Muslim didn’t like. Liberals won’t offend Muslims, but they have no reservations about offending Christian women and any women with moral convictions who are against killing inconvenient, unborn children.


Taking a stand against abortion being performed at any time for any reason is not waging a war on women. Most right-to-life activists are women. Not wanting public funds to pay for abortions and not wanting insurance companies to be forced to provide coverage for abortions is not a war on women. Not wanting public funds to pay for all the birth control supplies of all married and unmarried women of all ages for the rest of their lives isn’t a war on women. Sandra Fluke, Obama’s hero, is not a victim of conservative Republicans. She has no right to ask the government of the United States to force a religious institution to pay for her birth control supplies so she can have sex with as many partners as she wants as often as she wants against the teachings of that religious institution. Birth control supplies are not a right. An insurance company is certainly free to cover them if they wish to, but it’s absolutely wrong for the federal government to force employers or insurance companies to pay for them.


Another example of the Liberal Democrats’ actual war on women is the Life of Julia on Obama’s website. What a terrible, sad, meaningless life to be dependent on the government from the cradle to the grave. In a robust, free economy like Republicans wants to rebuild, women would be able to make it on their own or stay at home with children as they choose without hitting the opaque ceiling of government entitlements, which must only get lower as the government runs out of other people’s money. Massive borrowing and taxing like Obama is doing will ultimately dry up the source of the funds, and the whole thing will collapse. Democrats left out the part about the roof caving in on Julia.


No, Republicans aren’t waging a war on women, they’re waging a war on disastrous, ill-conceived policies that are destroying America and the livelihoods and hopes of all its women and men. Please join the fight, while politics in America is still just a war of words.